Welcome to the official website of Trans Sib Atc Air Service GmbH

Explore a complete overview of our company, products and services, fleet, booking and trucking tools, truck schedules, IT-solutions and contact details.

All you have to do is to choose from the categories above and explore the opportunities we are proud to offer.

Through the category ABOUT US you will get familiar with the company’s history, special licenses and certificates obtained by our company for goods transportation as well as a complete listing of our existing clients and partners.

The category OUR FLEET contains detailed and up-to-date information about our vehicles and will also help you to track current positions of trucks and consignments.

Please also pay your attention to the category SERVICES where you will become acquainted with services rendered by our company, e-tools and products. Here we have collected and published informative links to Internet resources on logistics, road transportation and airfreight, which could be of further service to you.

We will be happy to assist you in the transportation of goods and answer all questions you may have. Please feel free to contact us under the contact options, which are located in the category CONTACT.